His mind was now in chaos. Lost it seemed to time and space, no longer there in the present.
She looked into his eyes hoping to see glimpses of what he was, who he was. Of the known and recognisable person that had been there always, but now was not.
There were moments of recognition, of recollection and of memories seemingly lost. But they were fleeting and savoured with joy when they appeared, surely a lifeline to who really dwelt within.
But then gone, like a foot print in sand as a wave moves in.
We can too easily forget how momentary life is. We struggle with the things of the instant, that occupy us at that time.
Is it that we do all that to distract us from the recognition of a reality of what is coming. Coming for all of us!
It is then maybe, we recognise that what we have, all of what we have, is now.
That who we are is really this point in time. And then in the minutes that past we are different to what we were, what we thought we are. We have moved on.
That thoughts we may have had, that photograph taken, those words just written are now a moment sometimes captured, recorded or stored. But they are not the actual reality, they are simply a way of recollection.
What is real is the present, but what is real to us is the memory. And that the deepest sadness we can feel is when those memories are lost.
(Words and images Copyright Kevin Palmer 2022)