Isn't it wonderful when you are able to step away from your work for a time. To rediscover and enjoy life beyond the workplace and to realise there is more to life than a desk, a counter, a factory floor or a work site. The lead up to Christmas 2018 and then the first weeks of 2019 were a timely break for me. Catching up with family and friends, meeting new people, and of course there has been time to just take images. I have been so fortunate to share some of that camera time with others, to learn from them and help them discover as well. So hello Johno - that pelican certainly learnt that some fish are too big to eat. To Bernd it was a thrill to be able to help you finish off your trip to Australia with a photography of a Noisy Pitta and a Regent Bowerbird. So for all of us it is now onto the new adventure of the next 12 months, lets aim for a great year.